Yahemi by Fade Co.

Super Boof by Fade Co. Yahemi by Fade Co. is a cross of Project 4516 and Mellonatta. This hybrid strain that inherits the best of both worlds. From Project 4516, it draws its profound relaxing qualities and a rich, complex flavor profile. Melonatta contributes its vibrant energy and the refreshing zest of its taste and […]

Super Boof by Fade Co.

Super Boof by Fade Co. Super Boof can create a harmonious blend of effects, flavors, and aromas that come together to provide a uniquely satisfying experience.Whether you’re looking to unleash your creativity, engage in deep conversations, or simply unwind after a long day,  Super Boof by Fade Co. may be a strain for you. If […]

Your Brain on Cannabis: Should You Be Worried?

how does cannabis affect the brain

There seem to be some conflicting ideas out there about how cannabis affects the brain. On the one hand, you have stereotypes that paint cannabis users as forgetful goofballs. On the other hand, you have scientific studies that report cannabis as having neuroprotective, brain-boosting abilities. So, how does cannabis use affect your brain? Let’s look […]